OK...last weekend i did the coolest thing and have no way to prove it cuz stupid me forgot to put new batteries in my camera...so now this hat that i
bought bill is the only thing i have to show for it...oh...and this....
my ticket stub
....we went to Harrah's in K.C. and saw Merle Haggard in concert....it was so cool...the man is like..what...80 years old....and still sounds awesome....my nephew called and had scored some fee tickets, and no one hesitated... me, my brother, and my other nephew took off in the car and went to Brunswick and kidnapped Bill from work and off we went..i was the DD for the evening and it stormed like a mother all the way home...but it was way worth it...Bill got so drunk...it was hilarious...we had a really good night...talk to everyone soon...