Well today is here...just barely. I sit here at 3 am., I just got home from work. Today is my birthday. I am 29 today..whoopee. I don't have a whole lot to say this morning, except a short bitch session about baby sitters. I have 3 little girls, and my husband and I are active in a lot of different things. We are gone from home on an average of 3 nights a week. Does anyone else have the same problem I am about to describe? I spend all day at home, while my kids are at school, and I usually keep a pretty clean house. Then, on the nights Bill and I are gone, I pay someone to come in and mess up my house. I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. I have 2 girls that babysit for me on a regular basis and neither one of them can seem to get it right. Tonight before I went to work, and Bill went to pool league, Bill asked the girls to
surprise me for my birthday and make sure the house was all cleaned up. Needless to say, this was not the case when I walked in the door. I feel as though I am paying for another kid to come to my house, eat my food, and watch my
TV. This has been an on-going problem for the 2 years we have lived here. Parents are to quick to give their kids hand outs. No one wants to EARN their money anymore. I know that when I was younger, I babysat until I was old enough to get a real job. Then I maintained a 20-40 hr. work week on top of school. I kept my grades high, and I always had plenty of my own money. When I was babysitting, the
TV never came on until all the kids were in bed and the house was cleaned up and dishes done. I am a strong
believer in " the one who cooks it, cleans it". Apparently, I am the only one. I have to have a baby sitter, but I am so tired of coming home to a messy house.
AAAAHHHH!!! It is very frustrating. So, I guess what I am saying is....what has happened to today's youth? Why can't they understand that they have to EARN their pay just like everyone else. Bill and I pay really well, but we get nothing in return. I miss the old days. Family is very important to us, and we love our girls to death. I just have to know that when I leave my house, my kids are in the best possible hands, and that what I say....goes. I guess that's it for now. Goodnight everyone.
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