My sister sent me a couple of e-mails over the last couple of days that i simply feel the need to share. I have no doubt in my mind that this world is f
ull of extremely gifted and talented people, some of them you just don't hear about very I am not going to say much in this blog, I will simply let the following pictures speak for themselves. I hope everyone finds these as cool as I do......

This just goes way beyond normal talent... and I absolutely love it..!!!!

I am totally loving this horse. The detail is incredible, and I can't begin to imagine the time it took.

The next to pictures are of an artist that she sent me....I will also let these speak for themselves.

And After.......

...By the is still a flat wall.
So to all of you out there w/ some extreme talent, I take my hat off to you. For the rest of you who are all talented in your own way, share what you do best and never fear not being great, because the competition is extreme and as long as you enjoy is worth the time you put in it.
1 comment:
People should read this.
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