I have been giving a lot of thought lately to old friends. Everyone remembers those few friends that each of you had when you were younger. Those friends that you promised you would never lose touch with no matter where life took you. Unfortunately, few people can actually keep this promise. Friendships that you lose throughout the years, not due to anything said or done, but simply due to life. Have you ever noticed how often your life gets in the way of what you want to do. I have had several good friends in my 29 years, but only a few that I still have contact with. This is usually the case. How many people out there can honestly say that they still have the friends that have meant the most to them. Probably not many. I know that I can't. Now, a lot of friends have come and gone throughout the years, but few still remain. As life changes, so does what we expect out of our friends. We grow older, we get married, we have kids, and everything changes. This is life. So, if by chance, you find yourself thinking about that one person from your past that you miss the most. My advice to you, is look them up. Call them on the phone. Let them know you still think about them. Sometimes, it takes very little effort to renew a friendship. Good Luck!!!!!
I've always been here hun! You never lost me! lol You've always known where I was but life gets in the way most of the time... I'm gettin handfasted soon!! Goin in front of a judge even sooner just to appease some 'god-fearing' family. But being a Wiccan, I want a handfasting!!! <|:^P Talk at ya soon!
Ginny, I heard you was gettin married and i am so happy for you. I hope everything is wonderful for you. I will talk to you soon...TANJUA
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