Friday, February 23, 2007


Ladies and gentleman, I think she finally got it. Tonight was the first time in two years that I got to come home from work to a clean house. I sat down and had a long talk w/ my babysitter today, and I think I finally got through. Bill and I put up this big ass poster board labeled NEW RULES. I explained each one and what I expected from her and the kids. I will share my rules w/ you. It is nothing too difficult.
  1. NO PLAYSTATION (that is all she used to do)
  2. Kids will be cleaned up and in PAJAMA's before going to bed (the pajama thing is a serious pet peeve of mine...i don't like finding my kids in clothes while they are sleeping.)
  3. Bedrooms will be picked up before bedtime.
  4. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF (the kids are not your slaves)
  5. Please feed my children REAL food.
  6. Include EVERYONE in activities.


So, this is all I ask of my babysitter. Hopefully, tonight was not a one time deal. I don't expect any miracles, I just have to know that when I am not home, that my kids are SAFE and well taken care of. I have to know that my kids are not eating junk and doing unsafe activities ....(like the time they rode the mattress down the stairs and put a hole in my wall).

I don't expect her to be me, but my rules should always apply !!!! I think the worst part about this whole deal is that my babysitter, who is a very shy and loving girl, has a mother who takes all of her babysitting money to pay her bills because she won't go get a job. So sometimes her mom will make her call me and ask for more money. Her mother and I have had it out over this numerous times, but I am not gonna punish the child for the ways of her mother. I hope this new side of her remains, and then maybe I can put my mind at ease. I just want my kids to be well taken care of when I can't be here. That is all for NOW !!!!

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