Not much to write about today. I worked tonight, and as you all know, I am a bartender. So I decided I would dedicate tonight's blog to the brilliance of the average drunk. Let me just start off by saying that I am so in the wrong line of business. First off, I hate drunks. Second, I have a very bad temper and a very short fuse. Take these two character traits and add them to working during Thursday night pool league, and you are just asking for trouble. I am usually very good at holding my temper when it comes to my job here in Brunswick because I know everyone that comes in there. But sometimes, there is not enough patience in the world to deal w/ a small town drunk. Alcohol can cause even the nicest person in the world to turn into a major first class prick. Friends want to fight friends. Wives get pissed off at their husband. Someone talks or touches someone else in a way that they normally wouldn't. All of these things combined can sometimes make for a very volatile situation. There were no fist fights tonight, but there were two shoving matches and one very loud argument. Not to mention the owner came walking in from a craps game w/ his face covered in blood and all cut up. He had been invited to a friends to play craps and I guess some young punk got pissed and tried to start shit w/ him. He grabbed him and through him down on the slick ice causing all of the scratches and blood. When my boss regained his footing the punk ran for the house. He apparently was not looking for a fair fight. Anyway, the point of this story is......If you are going to drink, drink in moderation..because even if you don't remember what you said and did...you can almost guarantee that someone else will. And most people think that they are hilarious when they have had a few drinks, but more than not...someone will not think you are so funny. So, in closing, if you go out to have a good time make sure that you can remember it the next morning or you may find yourself being snubbed by your favorite bartender and not know why...Have a great weekend.
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