ok...here i am...i am almost done with all of my basic training....don't i look spiffy in my uniform...just thought i would holler at everyone and let you know that i am still alive...hope everyone is doing good and enjoying life...talk to everyone soon..
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Almost Done
Friday, July 20, 2007
Time Alone
My head hurts,
Please make it go away.
My heart is breaking,
I just can’t stand the pain.
The feeling of emptiness,
Is with me everyday.
When will this pain,
Start to fade away?
I need some time off.
I need some time alone.
Will you be okay,
If I leave you on your own?
I need to get away,
To redefine who I am.
I don’t remember anymore,
And no one gives a damn.
I do ! I care !
I miss me everyday.
I just need to be free.
I need to get away.
Monday, July 16, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

To End It All
Just to end it all.
You say goodbye, and bid farewell,
And leave the rest to fall.
It seems no mater how I try,
I just can’t get things right.
Why can’t the one who takes us all,
Come take me tonight.
I’m sure they’ll say I just gave up,
And some may think that’s true.
But in the times of my distress,
I just don’t know what to do.
I try to do right by all,
But I always end up wrong.
I just hope when I am gone,
You’ll realize I did belong.
I tried to fit in the world around,
But I always seemed to fail.
I was merely a train in the night,
Waiting to derail.
Like two ships passing in the night,
So did I pass life.
I left it for the rest to live.
For each of you I sacrificed.
Please don’t think I left you all,
To make it on your own.
You’ll always have the memories,
Of the love I’ve never shown.
I tried to show each of you,
The love I hid away.
For those of you who never knew,
You’ll each find out someday.
You may not all see it now,
But the future will surely tell.
Just follow your heart, and live your dreams,
And never allow yourself to fail.
I can’t ask you all to forgive me,
For all I’ve said and done.
I just wanted you each to know,
That beneath, I’m only human.
You all thought I was solid as stone,
But even the largest mountain crumbles.
I tried to walk the straight and narrow,
But even the most balanced stumble.
If I could be all you need,
I’d bubble over with joy.
But since I can’t, I think it’s best,
I simply be destroyed.
I know that sounds a little harsh,
But it is best for all.
It wouldn’t be so easy for me,
If I didn’t feel so small.
I’m not needed in this world ,
For anything but to take up space.
I wish I knew another way,
To get myself out of this place.
I don’t feel like you need me here,
To complicate the simple tasks.
I guess I’ve finally decided to show,
The face beneath the mask.
I know it will be hard for you,
To go on without me here.
I simply beg you not to cry,
Don’t shed a single tear.
I guess I’ve said enough for now,
And I hope that you all see.
The only thing my death will do,
Is take each of you from me.
Monday, March 12, 2007

OK. I know i have been slacking, but I have been really busy. Guess what! We are moving. They say that when God closes a door he opens a window. My brother called me last night and asked me if we still wanted to buy his house. Once again, I explained to him that we could not get a bank loan for the house. He has agreed to rent the house to Bill and I until we can buy it. I am soooooooooooooo happy. Not only do we get to go back home like we want to, but we finally get a HOME. I have been on cloud nine all day, even though things did not go quite as smoothly as I would hope. I met my brother at the house at 10 this morning to find 4 1/2 feet of water in the basement. Apparently, the last renters had turned the electricity off and the electric company had neglected to put it back over in my brother's name like they were suppose to, and a water pipe froze and busted. I would hate to see this month's water bill, but we got it all pumped out, and I spent all day peeling wall paper and painting. It was wonderful!! To actually be given free reign over how my house will look when I get done w/ it. My brother has told me that I can do whatever I want to it, within reason. I will be working on it every day so that we can move in a month, if at all possible. So, hooray for me! I am so happy!
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
March 26, 1874-January 29, 1963
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My Baby’s Terror
By: Tanjua S. Waddle
A mother’s work is never done,
While daddy lies there asleep.
She wakes each night with a scream.
That’s when I know she’s had another dream.
She sits up with terror in her open eyes.
The dream is still with her, it terrifies.
I try to wake her. I do my best.
I know each night I’ll lose some rest.
The horrible things she sees in her head,
Follow her when she wakes screaming in her bed.
The terror she sees I can not know.
But I know it is awful, her face says so.
Every night it is the same old thing.
She wakes up crying and screams my name.
She points to the darkness, something is there.
She screams and she points, while her blank eyes stare .
I wish I could see, what it is that scares her so.
Will the terror in the darkness ever let her go?
My 6 year old daughter suffers from night terrors.

Her night terrors are excruciatingly painful for me, because there is nothing I can do. I have tried several different methods to get her to wake up, but nothing works. I just have to hold her and talk to her until it is over. I think the worst part of all is having her eyes open and looking right through me. She doesn't see me at all. She screams for me, and I am right there but she doesn't know. She has suffered from this condition for at least 2 years and the doctors keep telling me she will grow out of it, but even though she does not remember them, I do. I just wish there was more I could do to bring her out of it quicker. They can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to a record 32 minutes...that one was hard. So leave me a comment if you have any info or advice for me. I would love to hear from someone else who deals w/ this.
Night Terror or Nightmare?:
Nightmares occur during the dream phase of sleep known as REM sleep. Most people enter the REM stage of sleep sometime after 90 minutes of sleep. The circumstances of the nightmare will frighten the sleeper, who usually will wake up with a vivid memory of a long movie-like dream. Night terrors, on the other hand, occur during a phase of deep non-REM sleep usually within an hour after the subject goes to bed. This is also known as stage 4. During a night terror, which may last anywhere from five to twenty minutes, the person is still asleep, although the sleepers eyes may be open. When the subject does wake up, they usually have no recollection of the episode other than a sense of fear. This, however, is not always the case. Quite a few people interviewed can remember portions of the night terror, and some remember the whole thing.
Night Terrors Symptoms:
Sudden awakening from sleep, persistent fear or terror that occurs at night, screaming, sweating, confusion, rapid heart rate, inability to explain what happened, usually no recall of "bad dreams" or nightmares, may have a vague sense of frightening images. Many people see spiders, snakes, animals or people in the room, are unable to fully awake, difficult to comfort, with no memory of the event on awakening the next day.
Birthday: February 28, 1955
Birth Place: Brooklyn, NY
Siblings: Youngest out of three

Starring in:
I love the 80s Strikes Back(2003)
Hollywood Squares (2002)
Cyberchase- Digit (2002)
House of Mouse- Iago (2001)
Hollywood Squares(2002)
USA Up All Night- Host (1986)
Thicke of the Night(1983)
Saturday Night Live(1975)
Comedy Central Presents
Gottfried’s work in television soon led to roles in film. Most memorable was his improvised scene as business manager Sidney Bernstein in the hit sequel "Beverly Hills Cop II," for which the New York Daily News said that “Gilbert Gottfried steals the picture with a single scene.” He appeared in such movies as "Problem Child," "Problem Child II," "Look Who's Talking II" and "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane." He was also the host of the very popular late night movie series "USA Up All Night."
After his performance as the wise ass parrot, IAGO, in the Disney classic "Aladdin," Gottfried became one of the most sought after voice over talents. His signature voice can be heard in several commercials, cartoons and movies, including the frustrated duck in the AFLAC Insurance commercials.
So here is to one of my favorite comedians. I remember watching him in several different movies and television shows. I especially remember him for his USA Up All Night. I have been a night owl most of my life and night time television has always been one of my close friends..HEHEHE
For more information and fun facts on this infamous comedian you can check out the following sites:
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This is one of my favorite quotes and one that I attempt to live my life by. When I was in school I was pretty much the "class clown". I had a lot of different things going on in my life, and I found that by making other people laugh I could escape my own pain even if just for a little while. I guess that it just kinda stuck after a while. As some of my readers know, I created this blog as a place to find my voice. I know who I used to be, I know who wanna be, but I can't seem to find who I am right now. I am a mother. I am a wife. Other than that, I am a little lost. I am really comfortable being myself around my husband and kids, and there is never a shortage of laughter around our house. For some reason though, I have trouble letting that side of myself out when I am around other people. This, sometimes, makes me come across as insecure which makes it difficult to make new friends. I spent my whole life in a very small rural community in central Missouri, and never ever had a shortage of friends. These are the people that I am still most comfortable around. Maybe this is why I have had a hard time adjusting to living where I am now. I wanna go home. Bill has told me that I can look for a house back home, and the kids are very excited about going back to where all of our family is. So, as soon as it is financially possible, I will be going home. Sorry, got off the subject a little. I guess what I was saying is this......If by bringing laughter to some other person, you bring some peace of mind to yourself, then you win. If you touch just one person with your humor, and can bring a smile to another's face, then you will go far in this life. So, in conclusion, don't ever be afraid to be yourself no matter how goofy that self may be.
Monday, February 26, 2007
This is the textbook definition of what Alzheimer's disease is, but I have decided to post a more personal definition. My grandfather currently suffers from this disease, and as a CNA I deal w/ other people w/ the same illness on a daily basis. To me, Alzheimer's is best defined as....the destroyer of families, and the only disease known that causes more pain to the people around it than to the person who has it. I recently wrote a poem about my grandfather's condition, and although it is not completely accurate due to artistic creativity, it is the basis of what most families deal with everyday of this disease. This poem was published by my grandfather's nursing home, and again by the National Alzheimer's Association. I hope my readers enjoy !!
-278 percent increase from 1990 to 2000
-150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence during 2006.
Rate of child abuse by race:
- White = 51%
- African American = 25%
- Hispanic = 15%
- American Indian/Alaska Natives = 2% - Asian/Pacific Islanders = 1%
I ran across these statistics today while I was surfing the Internet. I found them to be very disturbing. At first, I was not sure if this topic was appropriate for me to blog about, but then I reconsidered. This issue is out there. It is real and it happens every day. If you are wondering what prompted this blog, I will tell you. There is a new commercial on TV that is for a sexual abuse intervention group. It starts out by saying....1 in 9 boys, and 1 in 4 girls will be a victim of sexual abuse before the age of 14. This prompted me to wonder......... " HOW DO WE PROTECT OUR CHILDREN?". It also claims that a child is more likely to be the victim of abuse than to be involved in an automobile accident. These statistics are staggering, if not just a little scary. The worst part of these statistics, is that it only reflects reported incidents. How many more children are out there hurting that no one knows about? I myself was a victim when I was younger, but this was long ago and has been worked out and put behind me. I will not pretend that it was not hard, and that it did not affect me, but I got through it and moved on. I would just hope that all parents in this busy world of today, would slow down long enough to think about who they have their children around. In a time of babysitter shortages and after-school activities, parents need to take the time to get to know the people their children spend time with. Do not be afraid to talk to your children. Teach them about good touching and bad touching, and make sure that your children know that they can trust you and talk to you about anything. Fear of punishment and being blamed are the two top reasons why abuse goes unreported. Children also feel that the abuse is in some way their fault. These feelings of guilt keep these statistics much lower than they probably are in reality. Be open w/ your children and make sure they know you are there for them unconditionally. For more information on this topic see the following website....
Friday, February 23, 2007
- NO PLAYSTATION (that is all she used to do)
- Kids will be cleaned up and in PAJAMA's before going to bed (the pajama thing is a serious pet peeve of mine...i don't like finding my kids in clothes while they are sleeping.)
- Bedrooms will be picked up before bedtime.
- CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF (the kids are not your slaves)
- Please feed my children REAL food.
- Include EVERYONE in activities.
So, this is all I ask of my babysitter. Hopefully, tonight was not a one time deal. I don't expect any miracles, I just have to know that when I am not home, that my kids are SAFE and well taken care of. I have to know that my kids are not eating junk and doing unsafe activities ....(like the time they rode the mattress down the stairs and put a hole in my wall).
I don't expect her to be me, but my rules should always apply !!!! I think the worst part about this whole deal is that my babysitter, who is a very shy and loving girl, has a mother who takes all of her babysitting money to pay her bills because she won't go get a job. So sometimes her mom will make her call me and ask for more money. Her mother and I have had it out over this numerous times, but I am not gonna punish the child for the ways of her mother. I hope this new side of her remains, and then maybe I can put my mind at ease. I just want my kids to be well taken care of when I can't be here. That is all for NOW !!!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
O... TO BE 18

- Being 17-18 Means . .
"Where Am I Going and Where Have I Been?" - You personally coin the expression Seize the Day.
- At last you are an adult. (Aren't you?)
- This is your time to be respected by one and all.
- Sex, sex, sex, sex . . . SEX! (SEX!)
- You can afford to be a little nostalgic about your childhood, defined as the period of your life that ended roughly yesterday but also seems like a hundred years ago.
- You are divided between feelings of total comfort around school and excruciating restlessness.
- You suffer a most un-Zenlike burning desire to leave an impression. You want to make yourself a few memories, and you want to be remembered.
- Your relationships are even more important, painful, and rewarding.
- What happened to your independent, accomplished, strong-willed, clear-eyed parents?! Now they start to be very clingy. (What time are you coming home? Can I look at your application? Why do you need to go out on a weeknight? You wearing socks or not? How come you can't go to a movie with us?)
- Is college for me? If so, where? If not, why not? And if not, then what?
- If you're college bound, a special bonus reward for you: incalculable first-semester stress in classes and throughout the entire application ordeal.
- My classmates are my world! And everything changes come June!
- You imagine that adults can be your friends. They're certainly your equals. (Can we stay in touch after graduation?)
- Time! There just isn't enough.
- Oops. Blip on the screen. Senioritis. (What, me worry?)
- Sometimes, in the middle of an afternoon class, you study watermarks on the ceiling and think, Why won't this year ever end?
- Oh, no, senior year is over already . . . How did that happen? Where did high school go?
- What did I miss? What didn't I miss?
These are comments found on http://www.familyeducation.com/ and are only a small portion of what you feel on the day that you become an "adult". Today is my little sisters birthday. She is 18 as of today, and soon to be on her way to finding her own life. I remember 18. Unfortunately it was not as happy of a time for me as it is for her. RosaLee is smart, very pretty, and has a good head on her shoulders as to where she is and where she wants to go. She has almost made it. If she can just go these next few months w/ out screwing up, she will be out of our hometown and away from the rapidly declining rural community that we call home. I, on the other hand, spent my senior year wondering how I was going to raise a baby on my own, and pissed off over the full college scholarship I had just flushed down the toilet because I was in "love". These are some of the hard realities that a lot of today's youth face. Where am I going? What will I do?
*I am 29 years old, and I still don't know the answers to these questions. I know that I am a mother and a wife, and I have a CNA license and enjoy taking care of the elderly, but I also know that I would like to become a nurse, but that it is not a financially smart move at this juncture in my life. Maybe when the kids get older. It seems that this is my answer to just about everything that I wanna do, but what I fail to realize is.....that as the kids get older, so do I.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Someone please tell me what kind of role model this is for 2 small children. Popping in and out of rehab centers is not a smart move for someone involved in a child custody battle. It is known that Federline intends to ask the court for support and sole custody of Jayden James, 5 months, and Sean Preston, 17 months. After Spears moved to end their two-year marriage in November, a temporary order issued Feb. 1 granted joint custody through this month. I just wish she could get her head on straight, her career on track, and do what she needs to do for those 2 babies. Britney, what happened to you.:????

by: Tanjua S. Waddle
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well the weekend is almost over. Today is Sunday and I plan on spending the whole day doing absolutely nothing. This weeeks weekend update is as follows. Friday, of course, we had bowling league. I did really bad this week. It was awful. Does anyone else know what it is like to really enjoy something, but no matter how hard you try at it, you just can't get good at it. That is how it is for me when we bowl. Friday, of course, was my birthday so we stayed after league w/ some good friends of ours and did the moonlight glow bowl. That was really fun and I did much better than I had done during league, but that is usually how it goes. The weather turned pretty bad, so Bill and I had to stay in Brookfield overnight. We got another 5 inches of snow. Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast with Bill's dad and then headed home. We were suppose to go to a wedding Saturday, but because of the roads we decided we should just stay in Brunswick. So, Bill and I went down to the bar where I work and entered the pool tournament. Neither one of us placed, but we had a great time. Saturday night was karaoke, which is one of my all-time favorite things. I usually get asked to sing several of my favorite songs by customers that come in the bar all the time and hear me walking around singing. I love to sing. I don't think I am very good, but everyone at the bar disagrees w/ me. So, I sing for them. I got pretty drunk Saturday night, and had a ball. Later in the night wasn't so good. One of my friends showed up at the bar damn near hysterical. She had been at the house of some of Bill and I's ex-friends, and the husband had tried to force himself on her while she was passed out in the living room. Then, the wife had come in there and tried to beat the shit out of her for screaming. Needless to say, I sat there with her for a very long time while we waited on her parents and the police. I will update everyone later as things occur. So, that was our weekend in a nut shell. Now, I can move on to a more interesting blog. As for this one, I am finished w/ it. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The next to pictures are of an artist that she sent me....I will also let these speak for themselves.

So to all of you out there w/ some extreme talent, I take my hat off to you. For the rest of you who are all talented in your own way, share what you do best and never fear not being great, because the competition is extreme and as long as you enjoy it....it is worth the time you put in it.